viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013


 SUSAN: Hi! Maya, how are you?
 MAYA: Hi Susan! fine and you?
SUSAN: Good thanks. Who is he? I don't know him.
MAYA: That's Bruno Cardoso. He is from the Rio de Janeiro office
SUSAN: Rio? that's interesting
MAYA: Hi Bruno. Good to see you again
BRUNO: It's good to see you again,too,Maya
MAYA: Bruno she is Susan Park
BRUNO: Nice to meet you Susan, I'm Bruno Cardoso
 SUSAN: Nice to meet you too, Bruno
 BRUNO: Well,I'm almost finished for the day
SUSAN: Great! Let's go to dinner?
 SUSAN: Why don't go to that new seafood place?
 BRUNO: I'm sorry! I don't like the seafood
MAYA: How about going to a french restaurant?
 BRUNO: I think it's great. I love french food
SUSAN: Me too! Let's leave the office at 6:15
 BRUNO: See you later
SUSAN: Ok, see you...
MAYA: Why? Do you have a problem?
 BRUNO: Oh no!! I forgot to go to the ATM
SUSAN: Do you need money?
MAYA: Sure. No problem. I have money
 SUSAN: I to can you borrow $50...
BRUNO: Perfect thanks. I will pay you...
MAYA: Could you open the window please?
 BRUNO: Of course! you want
SUSAN: It's really hot! It's a day beautiful
MAYA: We will must travel on the weekend
 SUSAN: Oh yeah! to agree let's go Bora, Bora
 MAYA: It's my dream, is a place wonderful
BRUNO: Excellent! I want go there
 MAYA: You have never been to Bora, Bora?
 BRUNO: Never!
MAYA: See you! good bye
SUSAN: Farewell! see you
BRUNO: Until the weekend...

lunes, 15 de julio de 2013


Esta actividad consiste en contestar una serie de preguntas encadenadas secuencialmente. Ten en cuenta el vocabulario de los sentimientos y las emociones, estudiado previamente, asi profundizaras tus aprendizajes.